CCTV Finance

Melbourne VIC 3000, Melbourne, VIC 3000
0425 808 803
03 9020 7274

CCTV Finance which is a division of Payless CCTV is an Australian owned company providing a range of security services including CCTV, Alarm and Smoke Security services. We are committed to the provision of superior service that meets the individual needs of each of our clients. Proper Security systems protects your home, valuable and family from intruders and also provides you with peace of mind.

Numerous studies show homes without security systems, when compared to those with professionally monitored systems, are up to three times more likely to be burglarized because burglars are opportunistic by nature and are on the hunt for easy targets.

We offer a payment plan option for your new security solution. You can purchase a system from us and pay for it over time with convenient fortnightly instalments. The benefit of our payment plan is that no matter the amount borrowed, you never pay interest!

At CCTV Installation Brisbane all security system are installed under the Australian standards and we have a team of expert technicians who are certified and well trained to provide a comprehensive service and maintenance facility which can be tailored to meet individual client’s needs.

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