The Seven Summits Of Indonesia Tujuh Puncak Tertinggi Di Tujuh Kepulauan Besar Indonesia

The Seven Summits Of Indonesia Tujuh Puncak Tertinggi Di Tujuh Kepulauan Besar Indonesia 7 Summits Expedition : Indonesia Seven Summits Expedition is a team from Indonesia that reached all the Seven Summits Carstensz Pyramid version the other is Kosciuszko version before Proclamation of Indonesian Independence date celebration on August 17-2011 The other incomplete team with different coordination reached it before August 17-2012 and the second attempt in May 2013 made the team complete Now Indonesia has 8 Seven Summiters The idea to touch the 7 summits has occurred since March 1992 when Mapala UI begun with Mount Aconcagua but failed with 2 men died Norman Edwin and Didiek Samsu Wahyu Triachdi At 1993 Tantyo Bangun and Rinto Mulyono completed the unfinished expedition and scaled Aconcagua but failed when to scale Vinson Massif Indonesia Seven Summits Expedition is a team from Indonesia that reached all the Seven Summits Carstensz Pyramid version the other is Kosciuszko version before Proclamation of Indonesian Independence date celebration on August 17-2011 The other incomplete team with different coordination reached it before August 17-2012 and the second attempt in May 2013 made the team complete Now Indonesia has 8 Seven Summiters The idea to touch the 7 summits has occurred since March 1992 when Mapala UI begun with Mount Aconcagua but failed with 2 men died Norman Edwin and Didiek Samsu Wahyu Triachdi At 1993 Tantyo Bangun and Rinto Mulyono completed the unfinished expedition and scaled Aconcagua but failed when to scale Vinson Massif.

•  "The Seven Summits Of Indonesia"  •


Buku The Seven Summits Of Indonesia ini mengulas tentang sebuah kosep cara menentukan tujuh puncak tertinggi di tujuh pulau/kepulauan besar di Indonesia. Dengan tujuan untuk membuat sebuah trigger untuk lebih menggairahkan kegiatan pendakian gunung di Indonesia khususnya untuk gunung-gunung di Indonesia. Berbagai pencapaian-pencapaian telah dilakukan oleh para pendaki Indonesia di gunung-gunung luar negeri, namun saat konsep ini digulirkan pada tahun 2008, tidak satupun pendaki Indonesia yang sudah berhasil mendaki ke 7 puncak tersebut. Ini sangat disayangkan karena meskipun gunung-gunung Indonesia selain puncak-puncak di Papua umumnya hanya memiliki ketinggian 3.000'an meter dari permukaan laut, namun setiap gunung tersebut memiliki kendahan dan keunikan berbeda. Dengan ada nya konsep ini diharapkan para pendaki Indonesia menjadi lebih semangat untuk mengeksplorasi gunung-gunung di tanah air dan memecahkan rekor-rekor yang ada dalam konsep tujuh puncak tertinggi di tujuh pulau/kepulauan Indonesia ini. Selain menjelaskan tentang konsep tujuh puncak tertinggi Indonesia, di Buku The Seven Summits Of Indonesia ini juga dibahas lengkap data-data ke tujuh gunung tersebut. Data-data ini akan sangat membantu para pendaki yang berkeinginan untuk mendaki ke tujuh gunung tersebut. Mulai dari data jalur pendakian, transportasi hingga ke objek-objek wisata alam yang terdapat di sekitar gunung tersebut. Untuk lebih memudahkan lagi Buku The Seven Summits Of Indonesia ini dilengkapi dengan keping CD yang berisikan waypoint-waypoint GPS untuk setiap jalur pendakian di setiap gunung-gunung seven summits Indonesia Buku The Seven Summits Of Indonesia ini mengulas tentang sebuah kosep cara menentukan tujuh puncak tertinggi di tujuh pulau/kepulauan besar di Indonesia. Dengan tujuan untuk membuat sebuah trigger untuk lebih menggairahkan kegiatan pendakian gunung di Indonesia khususnya untuk gunung-gunung di Indonesia. Berbagai pencapaian-pencapaian telah dilakukan oleh para pendaki Indonesia di gunung-gunung luar negeri, namun saat konsep ini digulirkan pada tahun 2008, tidak satupun pendaki Indonesia yang sudah berhasil mendaki ke 7 puncak tersebut. Ini sangat disayangkan karena meskipun gunung-gunung Indonesia selain puncak-puncak di Papua umumnya hanya memiliki ketinggian 3.000'an meter dari permukaan laut, namun setiap gunung tersebut memiliki kendahan dan keunikan berbeda. Dengan ada nya konsep ini diharapkan para pendaki Indonesia menjadi lebih semangat untuk mengeksplorasi gunung-gunung di tanah air dan memecahkan rekor-rekor yang ada dalam konsep tujuh puncak tertinggi di tujuh pulau/kepulauan Indonesia ini. Selain menjelaskan tentang konsep tujuh puncak tertinggi Indonesia, di Buku The Seven Summits Of Indonesia ini juga dibahas lengkap data-data ke tujuh gunung tersebut. Data-data ini akan sangat membantu para pendaki yang berkeinginan untuk mendaki ke tujuh gunung tersebut. Mulai dari data jalur pendakian, transportasi hingga ke objek-objek wisata alam yang terdapat di sekitar gunung tersebut. Untuk lebih memudahkan lagi Buku The Seven Summits Of Indonesia ini dilengkapi dengan keping CD yang berisikan waypoint-waypoint GPS untuk setiap jalur pendakian di setiap gunung-gunung seven summits Indonesia.

•  The Seven Summits Of Indonesia : Tujuh Puncak Tertinggi Di Tujuh Pulau/Kepulauan Besar Indonesia


Another Indonesia Seven Summits Expedition Team They consist of 5 male climbers and 1 female climber with different coordination from the previous team above but only 4 male climbers successfully reached the fifth Mount McKinley on May 15 2011 of seven of the world's highest mountains they have planned to scale in their two-and-a-half-year expedition they are Iwan Irawan 38 years Martin Rimbawan 25 Fadjri al Lufhfi 25 and Nurhuda 23 The fifth male core climber Ardeshir Yafftebbi 29 along with a guide accompany MetroTV journalist Popo Nurakhman return to base camp from an altitude 5,900 meters above sea level masl The expedition will cost an estimated Rp.10 billion ($1.2 million) from the team's sponsors including the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports and Indonesian ANTARA News Agency The first conquered peak was Mount Cartensz Pyramid on April 22-2010 coinciding with Earth Day followed by Mount Kilimanjaro Mount Elbrus Mount Aconcagua and Mount Denali Next on the agenda were Mount Vinson Massif and Mount Everest and plan conclude the expedition in May 2012 On December 23-2011 the team departured from Jakarta to Punta Arenas Chile and then to Vinson Massif basecamp 2130 masl and on January 6-2012 local time they conquered the Vinson Massif On early April 2012 the team has initiated the climbing of Mount Everest into 2 groups one group is attacking from the south Nepal and the other from the north Tibet The team from the north Iwan Irawan and Nurhuda has reached the top of Mount Everest on May 19-2012 South team ended the expedition without reached the summit of Mount Everest due to Ardeshir Yafftebbi got laryngitis and Fadjri al Lufhfi could not continue the attempt with wind of 50 meter/second 180 kilometer/hour In 2012 Martin Rimbawan has medical problem and his position is replaced by Ardhesir Yafftebbi and after one year rest Fadjri al Lufhti and Martin Rimbawan as a second south team attempt successful to reach the summit of Mount Everest on May 23 2013 Another Indonesia Seven Summits Expedition Team They consist of 5 male climbers and 1 female climber with different coordination from the previous team above but only 4 male climbers successfully reached the fifth Mount McKinley on May 15 2011 of seven of the world's highest mountains they have planned to scale in their two-and-a-half-year expedition they are Iwan Irawan 38 years Martin Rimbawan 25 Fadjri al Lufhfi 25 and Nurhuda 23 The fifth male core climber Ardeshir Yafftebbi 29 along with a guide accompany MetroTV journalist Popo Nurakhman return to base camp from an altitude 5,900 meters above sea level masl The expedition will cost an estimated Rp.10 billion ($1.2 million) from the team's sponsors including the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports and Indonesian ANTARA News Agency The first conquered peak was Mount Cartensz Pyramid on April 22-2010 coinciding with Earth Day followed by Mount Kilimanjaro Mount Elbrus Mount Aconcagua and Mount Denali Next on the agenda were Mount Vinson Massif and Mount Everest and plan conclude the expedition in May 2012 On December 23-2011 the team departured from Jakarta to Punta Arenas Chile and then to Vinson Massif basecamp 2130 masl and on January 6-2012 local time they conquered the Vinson Massif On early April 2012 the team has initiated the climbing of Mount Everest into 2 groups one group is attacking from the south Nepal and the other from the north Tibet The team from the north Iwan Irawan and Nurhuda has reached the top of Mount Everest on May 19-2012 South team ended the expedition without reached the summit of Mount Everest due to Ardeshir Yafftebbi got laryngitis and Fadjri al Lufhfi could not continue the attempt with wind of 50 meter/second 180 kilometer/hour In 2012 Martin Rimbawan has medical problem and his position is replaced by Ardhesir Yafftebbi and after one year rest Fadjri al Lufhti and Martin Rimbawan as a second south team attempt successful to reach the summit of Mount Everest on May 23 2013.




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