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228 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10003, New York, 10002
Myron Munoz

Risk vs Reward Before moving office, have you drawn up a list of pros versus cons? I'll take a punt and say that you have not. At times, packing up everything in boxes and moving seems like the simplest logical alternative but oftentimes, it isn't. There's a large cost expense to consider when moving. I have already discussed business interruption however what about the expense of packaging up things, moving and reinstalling essential equipment? You will be shocked just how much you take the existing systems you have in place for granted. I am able to recall a lot of instances where a company moved and establishing their infrastructure proved very hard. A deficiency of knowledge, records and documentation resulted in basic networks, computers, servers, equipment and telephone systems all failing to work as expected. It's a downer when nothing works and this costs a lot of money to fix!

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