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Aftercare for your new tattoo: what to do and what to avoid

A new tattoo is an exciting event. But it's also a serious commitment. Aftercare is essential to keeping your tattoo looking its best. There are a few things you should do after getting a tattoo. First, gently wash the tattoo with soap and water. This will help remove any ointment or blood that may be on the tattoo. Next, apply a thin layer of tattoo aftercare ointment. Be sure to use a non-scented, hypoallergenic ointment.

There are also a few things you should avoid after getting a tattoo. Don't soak the tattoo in water, such as taking a bath or going swimming. Don't pick or scratch the tattoo. And don't expose the tattoo to the sun without applying sunscreen first.


 What you need to know about tattoo aftercare

Your new tattoo is an exciting addition to your appearance! But it's important to remember that a tattoo is a wound, and needs to be cared for as such in the days and weeks after it's done. Here's what you need to know about tattoo aftercare. Keeping your tattoo clean is the most important thing you can do for it in the first few days. Gently wash it with unscented soap and cool water, patting it dry afterwards. You'll want to do this several times a day, especially if you're sweating or it gets dirty.

You'll also need to keep your tattoo moisturized. Use a light, unscented lotion, and apply it whenever the tattoo feels dry. This will help to keep your skin healthy and prevent the tattoo from drying out and cracking.

In the first few days, your tattoo will likely ooze a bit and the color will be very bright. This is normal! But it's important to keep an eye on it, as too much oozing can lead to infection. If you see anything unusual (like pus or increased redness), contact your tattoo artist or a doctor.

In the first week or two, you'll probably see some scabbing. Again, this is normal! But resist the urge to pick at it, as this can damage the tattoo. Just let it fall off on its own.

After the first few weeks, your tattoo will start to fade a bit. This is also normal! But if you notice the color fading unevenly, or if it starts to fade very quickly, contact your tattoo artist. They may be able to touch it up for you.


Once your tattoo is fully healed, you can enjoy it for years to come! Just remember to keep it clean and moisturized, and to avoid exposing it to sunlight or other harsh chemicals. With proper care, your tattoo will stay looking bright and beautiful for years to come.


How to keep your tattoo clean

Once you have your new tattoo, it is important to know how to take care of it to avoid infection and ensure it heals properly. The first few days are the most critical for keeping your tattoo clean. You will need to clean your tattoo several times a day with soap and water. Gently pat the tattoo dry with a clean towel. Do not scrub the tattoo. Next, apply a thin layer of Aquaphor or a similar ointment to keep the tattoo moist. You should do this for the first few days, until the tattoo starts to peel. At that point, you can switch to a lotion. It is important to keep the tattoo clean and dry for the first few weeks, until it is fully healed. This means avoiding pools, hot tubs, lakes, and the ocean. You should also avoid soaking in the tub or taking showers for the first two weeks. Tattoos need air to heal, so avoid wearing tight clothing over the tattoo, and don’t sleep on it.

If you notice any redness, swelling, or discharge, contact your tattoo artist or a medical professional. These could be signs of an infection.


The importance of keeping your tattoo moisturized

Your new tattoo is an open wound. In order for it to heal properly, you need tokeep it moist. This means using a fragrance-free lotion or cream and applying it regularly, especially after showers or baths. That said, too much moisture can also be a bad thing. So avoid soaking your tattoo in water (like taking long baths) or using harsh soaps on it. Also, make sure to pat it dry instead of rubbing it when you do get it wet. Keeping your tattoo moisturized will help it heal properly and keep the ink from fading. So make sure to follow your artist's aftercare instructions, and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.


When to start using sunscreen on your tattoo

After you've gotten a new tattoo, you may be wondering when it's okay to start using sunscreen on it. The sun can cause your tattoo to fade, so it's important to take care of it. You should wait until your tattoo is healed before using sunscreen. This usually takes about two weeks. Once it's healed, you can start using sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Be sure to apply it generously and evenly. It's also important to reapply sunscreen often, especially if you're sweating or in the water. If you're going to be in the sun for a long period of time, you may want to cover your tattoo with clothing or a bandage. Remember, taking care of your tattoo will help it stay looking great for years to come.


How to deal with peeling or flaking skin

When your new tattoo starts to peel or flake, it's very important to resist the urge to pick at it. This can cause the tattoo to become damaged or even infected. Instead, there are a few things you can do to help the peeling process along.

First, make sure you're keeping the tattooed area clean. Gently wash it with a mild soap and cool water several times a day. Pat the area dry with a clean towel.

Second, apply a thin layer of a non-occlusive moisturizer to the tattooed area. This will help to keep the skin hydrated and prevent the tattoo from drying out and cracking. Choose a moisturizer that is fragrance-free and hypoallergenic to avoid irritation.

Third, avoid exposure to the sun. UV rays can damage the tattoo and cause the colors to fade. If you must be in the sun, cover the tattoo with a sunscreen that has an SPF of 30 or higher.

Finally, if the tattoo is itching, resist the urge to scratch it. This can damage the tattoo and cause inflammation. Instead, try applying a cold compress to the area for a few minutes to help ease the itch.


What to do if your tattoo starts to fade

If you start to notice your tattoo fading, it's important to take action to try and salvage it. The first thing you should do is consult with the artist who did your tattoo. They will be able to give you specific advice on how to care for your tattoo. One common cause of tattoo fading is inadequate aftercare. Make sure you are following all the aftercare instructions given to you by your tattoo artist. This includes keeping the tattoo clean, moisturized, and out of the sun.  If your tattoo starts to fade, it's also important to avoid picking at it or scratching it. This can cause the tattoo to bleed and will make it harder to salvage.  If you take proper care of your tattoo and it still starts to fade, there are a few things you can do to try and touch it up. One option is to get a tattoo retouch. This involves going back to the tattoo artist and having them fill in any areas that have started to fade.

Another option is to get a tattoo cover-up. This entails covering up the faded tattoo with a new one. This is a more drastic option, but it can be effective in hiding a faded tattoo.

If your tattoo is fading, it's important to take action to try and salvage it. There are a few things you can do, including consulting with your tattoo artist, following all aftercare instructions, and avoiding picking or scratching at the tattoo. If proper care doesn't work, you can also try getting a tattoo retouch or cover-up.


New tattoos are a big commitment and require proper aftercare in order to heal properly and look their best. For the first two weeks it is important to keep your tattoo clean and dry, and to avoid sun exposure. After that, you can gradually start reintroducing activities like swimming and working out, but it is still important to keep your tattoo moisturized and to avoid picking at it. With proper aftercare, your tattoo will heal beautifully and you'll be able to enjoy it for years to come.


Website: https://tinkture.co.nz/

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