Lower Back Exercises

qwwgerhrt, tamil nadu, 603112

Most people are aware that doing some form of exercise is beneficial, not only for losing unwanted body fat, but also for improving overall health. However, many are unaware of certain factors that can significantly increase the fat burning potential while performing exercise and during recovery (rest). Four of the most important factors to consider are: time interval from last meal, type of pre-exercise meal, intensity of aerobic exercise and type of exercise (aerobic versus resistance training).How long should someone wait before performing exercise in order to maximize the amount of fat burned during exercise and while resting? There are a number of studies that address this very question and have shown that fat burning is greater when exercise is performed after an overnight fast or in the morning before having breakfast.One such study (1) looked at eleven overweight and untrained men over a 4-month course of doing aerobic exercise performed after either an overnight fast or 3-hours after consuming a standard meal.

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