Health for all

street no 123 street no 123, Salzburg, 1234
shanb roug

These beliefs shape the styles, habits, behavior, perceptions, and attitudes that define us as individuals. Our responses to the major themes of life -safety, belonging, support, power, freedom, responsibility, sexuality, etc. - are all organized by our core thinking. Some core beliefs support our ability to be who we desire to be, while other beliefs continue to limit us in living our best possible lives.Neuroflexyn
Our limiting beliefs are a barrier to or a filter for the immense variety of information that our brains must process daily. We have a tendency to block out any information coming to us that is inconsistent with our reality.

Our physical bodies are a constant reflection of our beliefs, and our way of thinking and being in the world. Thus, our minds are supported in our beliefs by our bodies. Change is possible when we are able to alter our beliefs.
Easily said, but how does one change a belief? Most of us have been harboring old beliefs since childhood. The first step is to become aware of the trauma or pattern and how it affects your life. Ask yourself: is this childhood belief serving me well now, as an adult? Is it offering me positive support for my adult decisions? If your answer is no, find a way to get rid of the belief.

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