Exterior Compact Laminates Manufacturer in India

Finilex company is leading Exterior Compact Laminates Manufacturer in India. As we continue to grow, we will remain committed to the people, the technology, and the products that have made Finilex the leader in manufacturing exterior compact laminates in India. Funilex has largely achieved its objectives by providing consumers with cost-effective and quality product range.
Laminates manufactured by us caters architectural needs of various colors, designs which has etched a remarkable place in the markets. Finilex achieves market leadership with customer satisfaction by providing most durable, innovative, cost effective, and high quality product in domestic market with strong after-sale services.
Finilex aim to high to be known as a national leader of Exterior Compact Laminates Products manufacturer with of aesthetics of rich patterns and designs, which brings lifetime experience to our customers.  Coming together is a beginning, staying together is a process, working together is success which make us top leading durable exterior compact laminates manufacturing company.
Finilex has the ability to deliver both quantity and quality with a zero-tolerance approach towards errors.
Our products offered are resistant to boiling water, dry heat, cracking, scratching, staining, cigarette burns etc.  No matter what the requirement, we will provide an innovative, customized solution to meet your needs.

Finilex Laminates India Pvt Ltd D 29, Meerut Road Industrial Area
Ghaziabad -201001
Uttar Pradesh, India
Mobile Number : 97187-53388
e-mail: info@finilex.com
Website : www.finilex.com

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