Meishen Technology Company

China, China, 054600

Magnesium sulfate is a colorless crystalline substance, easily soluble in water. It can be taken orally as a laxative and cholecystemic spasmodic drug. It can be used to relieve convulsions, lower blood pressure, cure asthma, cure premature birth and correct hypomagnesia symptoms when given intramuscular or intravenously.

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Meishen Technology, the leader of China Magnesium Oxide in Chinaman Wells SA
As a leader in the fine chemical industry in China, Hebei Meishen Technology Co., Ltd. occupies ...
magnesium sulphate in China
In chemical production, magnesium sulfate heptahydrate is used as multi-purpose raw material to ...
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Magnesium sulfate has a wide range of clinical USES. It can be taken orally as a laxative and ...