Gronbek Security

28 Welshpool Rd, Fremantle, WA 6106
(08) 9433 3311
9361 7286
Michael Gronbek

We supply, install and repair locks, safes, high security key systems, car and garage remotes,  access control systems and security hardware.  We have 8 mobile locksmiths servicing Perth metropolitan areas.  We provide emergency callout 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  We change locks after break-in's or keys stolen.  We unlock doors if you are locked out.  We can cut hig security keys and most commercial and domestic keys. We can cut automotive transponder keys.  We service most areas ie Perth, Fremantle, Welshpool, Joondalup, Rockingham, Osborne Park, Canning Vale, Malaga, Armadale even Rottnest Island.  We service a wide varitey of clients from residental customers to shires, hospitals, nursing homes, schools, supermarkets, shopping complex's, industrial and mining sectors.

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