
PO Box 5557, Greystanes, NSW 2145
1300 889 702

We have one of the largest selections of fashion jewellery online in Australia. Shopping our jewellery stores online always offers several benefits. You can shop from a greater variety of the most current styles. We can also sell you the hottest fashion jewellery at a lower cost.
Shop at the online jewellery store in Australia for great jewellery looks your friends will envy. Look for fun, modern styles of earrings in our Acrylations Collection. They are a great way to get artsy with your day to day apparel. Looking for something a little more sophisticated? Check out our Gold Collection. We also have a Silver Collection with lots of beautiful pieces for any occasion.
Ava Embellish is one of the most popular online jewellery in Australia. Shop our Specials Collection for even more savings on our modern jewellery collections. Shopping at our online jewellery company is also an easy way to find the boho looks you love. Find the perfect accessories for all your boho-chic ensembles.
All online jewellery stores aren’t the same. Browse our collections for all the latest looks in jewellery that you need to complete your seasonal wardrobe.