+61 (1800) 921251 Bigpond Helpdesk Number Australia
For a better performance of sending or receiving
Bigpond mail in outlook consistent and stable
internet is required. If the internet connection is
poor it will affect on the performance. Here are some
reasons why slow internet cause problems while
sending or receiving Bigpond emails in outlook:
1) Time outs: If the user internet connection is
poor, the email server will take longer time period to
respond. If the internet connection times out before
the email send or receive the message, the
process will fail out.
2) Larger attachments: If the internet connection is
slow the large attachments may take a plenty of
time period to upload or download the file, it can
results errors or incomplete transfers while
sending or receiving emails.
3) Server overload: To connect to the email server
slow internet connection may affect email’s client
ability. The server can exacerbate the issues if it
is experiencing overloads or slow response
4) Synchronization delays: in real-time outlooks
synxs with the email server. There will be delay in
the synchronization if the internet is slow which
results emails are not be sent or received
5) Error Handling: While sending or receiving emails
slow connections can add the likelihood of
errors. These errors might require increase in time
and resources to resolve.
Sometimes due to update the above mentions steps
might not work out. I suggest you to get in touch with
Bigpond contact service. They will assist you and
resolve the issues.
More Info: https://www.bigpondonlineservice.com/blog/bigpond-customer-support-australia/