031-245-7845 x7
emma mia8

Keto Fit Pro Baby Steps Big goals may get us excited at first. But our excitement usually turns to frustration soon after we set out on our way and that big lofty goal looks a million miles away. It's important to not bite off more than you can chew. Getting back to the first tip above, make your goals explicit and attainable. Then, as you achieve your goals, you continue to adjust them, enabling you to consistently meet milestones and create a sense of accomplishment. Monitor Your Progress Keep a daily, weekly or monthly log of your activity. When you first start out, you will be able to walk or jog so far, or lift so much weight, or do x number of sit-ups. If you write it down each day, you'll be amazed at how much more you can do after only a few weeks of your regimen. 

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