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needs to recover I want to make sure that it can recover the best way possible so all these supplements by the way might not be useful for you you know they're just what worked for me um you know I that's a lot of money into my help my body because I think it's the most important thing more important than on that stuff and it's really disgusting to eat the but man your body will will strengthen this immune but have protein some Buddhist oil and some simple sugars usually fruit as a pre-workout to give my body to energy that it needs and a great thing also by having a liquid meal with you know the protein and stuff is your body can easily digest that it doesn't have to use a lot of energy for that it can use it for fuel right away post-workout the most important thing that you need is protein protein is a building block of muscles when it what's going to allow your body to repair itself and so as a post-workout I generally have 30 to 40 grams of protein again either the Garden of Life plant-based protein okay 30 to 40 grams as a post-workout I might also take whey protein which is right here I so whey protein protein isolate now whey protein can be good for fitness but it's really bad for health this is basically cooked proce slim pro patch ssed protein that a lot of people have digestion issues with it's from a dairy product as well there could be some hormones and stuff in it also but isolate whey protein is really great for your body to absorb it and it can be great for muscle mass and everything so if you want more of a health approach I recommend 


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