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ghyu dfgt

brand I get it at Costco very affordable and this bag will last me forever the next one again similar y'all could against it it's ten parts we got this at Costco as well we kind of love CrossFit for everything so pretty much almost everything you're gonna see in this video is from Costco it's just a good way to like save money I like to eat as many hemp hearts as I can because it has like the Omega threes and the savory as possible for him and the next two products are pretty similar they're both non-gmo nutritional yeast so this is a like huge bag of nutritional yeast flakes this is really good for like vegan cheese sauces it's a good popcorn seasoning it is good for sorry you're distracting me it's good for making sauces to put on like rice which can be is supplemented with cauliflower rice when you're keto so yeah I know it's so good so I'll actually show you guys a recipe that we we call it special sauce but it's pretty much like nutritional yeast with like soy sauce in a couple other like savory salty products delicious it's like one of Chris's favorite food so I will be making it multiple times a week so the sauce yeah yeah I know it's so so cheap to make like and here orviax  this is the next thing which is just powdered and Javita yeast so it's pretty much like nutritional yeast but it's powdered these are really good sources of b12 which is good if you're vegan definitely incorporate nutritional yeast into your diet this is an amazing popcorn seasoning and


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