HL12 Diabetes

New York New York, New York, 10012
Sedef Avci

The ones having suffered from those traumatic days will be able to tell you better Diabetes is a medical condition that is characterized by an abnormal rise in the level of blood sugar or glucose due to an inability of the body cells to absorb and utilize glucose from the bloodstream The body cells require a hormone known as insulin to absorb glucose from the bloodstream and insulin is produced by the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas A shortage of insulin as well as failure of the body HL12 Diabetes  to respond to insulin can manifest in the form of high blood sugar or hyperglycemia Symptoms of Diabetes in Men Though diabetes can produce a number of symptoms many of its early signs can look quite similar to the symptoms of certain other health conditions This can make it difficult to recognize this condition But it is important to identify and treat it early as untreated diabetes can lead to some serious health complications.


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