CC Company

New York New York, New Youk, 10012
jaxo khan

The result is a smooth running factory. But just as there are foramens who work out, there are those who do not, and it is really a process of trial and error. Forman who worked very well at other Mood Central's may not work out at all at this place. And one who failed at another factory now works very well at Mood Formula Focus Central. And the moods begin to regulate themselves. Enter the treasurer, a person who knows absolutely nothing about Mood Central because his job is only to see that costs are kept down at the expense of the manager and the owner, me. The owner is being penalized for keeping a high salary foreman who is doing an excellent job just because the treasury does not want to pay the higher salary. They saddle some of that responsibility on the owner, who can scarcely afford it. The obvious question seems to me, "Why mess with what works.

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