
NY, 10012
444-445-4455 x4445
janan fink

 Perhaps you shouldn’t eat them. But don’t blame your flatulence on the poor legumes directly. The blame lies instead and the loads of little critters teeming in your gut. Bean’s natural sweetness comes from a group of sugars called oligosaccharides. These sugars are hulking, awkward molecules. They’re far too big to slip through the intestinal wall on their own, and our guts’ enzymatic tool kit doesn’t have the right stuff to break the big things apart into more manageable pieces. So the sugars get a free ride though the small intestine.Alpha Monster Advanced No one messes and them, and they move on into the large intestine intact. Here their journey comes to a halt when they’re greeted by some of your closest friends, the 500+ species of bacteria that call your lower gut home. Never ashamed to have at your leftovers, the bacteria dig into the sugars. As they eat, their metabolic activity produces gases, hydrogen and methane among them. All that gas accumulates and eventually escapes your body as a fart, which may or may not be blamed on the dog. At one point in my life I was vegetarian for two years. This walk down torture lane was my attempt to figure out what healthy eating looked like. Boy did I walk down the wrong road. For two years I stuffed my face and a cup of beans everyday per Joel Fuhrman’s advice. It dawned on my husband one day that he married a fart machine. 

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