
3701 Happy Hollow Road Fayetteville, NC 28301, usa new york, 10001
christina vann

Applying SoleilGLO is extremely simple and can be done anywhere – in the home, at work or when you travel. Firstly, take the gel syringe and use the UV accelerator to activate the solution. There are clear instructions in the package about how to use the accelerator, and try to follow them as closely as possible to get the best results. When the gel has been activated, apply it to the teeth tray, taking care to apply it evenly across the length of the tray. Now, brush your teeth thoroughly to remove any pieces of food and as much plaque as possible. Wash your mouth out with water to create the ideal environment to apply the tray. Finally, place the teeth tray over your teeth and gently press down from above and below. The gel solution should cover the surface of your enamel and begin to penetrate, working to dissolve any pigments that shouldn’t be present. After around thirty seconds, release the pressure and remove the tray, before giving it a quick clean.


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