
dfbddf, Nyah, VIC 10012
eyrc bok

welcome to the greeting still affected I every snow y'all look we are in the new apartment this is my first well no I did some you know what I even add a video this is like my first sit down do my make a video at my new apartment we have a new setup obviously I love the lighting I have a rain right in front of me and two lights to the side of me there's a window in friend of me everything is peachy um I'm trying to d\

ecide if I like the blank wall or if I want to bring out my you know my backdrop staying with my backdrop so I don't know I we may be doing something different I made put some shells or something in the back to me and have like uh-oh youtuber set up when they had like you know just stuff in the back anyway let's get s rapid tone diet tarted with this makeup guys so today I'm just going to be addressing a lot of stuff I actually posted something on Instagram yesterday so if you're not following me on Instagram you should be aha posted to see what you guys want to talk about with this get ready with me so I'm just

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