
down town karcahi NY, Nyabing, WA 10012
margarita mache


Vik75 Joint pain and mobility - The consumption of Omega 3 fish oil possess anti-inflammatory properties.


Brain function - The fatty acids EPA and DHA can help to isolate the nerve cells in the brain, developed greater neuronal connections and visual routes. As a result, it improves mental performance and is often considered as "brain food".


Depression and mood - Numerous studies have examined in detail the relationship between omega 3 and depression. The results indicate that higher levels of EPA and DHA can help reduce states of anxiety and irritability.


Hormonal Balance - Essential for the production of hormones. As a result, consuming the recommended amounts of Omega 3-rich foods and Omega 3 supplements in your regular diet can help regulate the production of hormones and also offer relief from menstrual cramps or symptoms during menopause.


Skin Diseases - If your diet is deficient in omega 3 fatty acids, you may be able to detect that your skin is dry and cracked. By consuming the recommended daily amount of Omega 3 fish oil, it can provide anti-inflammatory properties that may be useful in the prevention or treatment of skin diseases such as rosacea, psoriasis and eczema.


How much Omega 3 should I take?


Amount of fish consumption - 2 servings of fresh fish every week.


According to the health authorities, it is not advisable to increase their consumption, since it could be potentially dangerous, due to the toxins and contaminants that can be found in fresh fish.


Amount of Omega 3 supplements - are beneficial for adults and children, although different doses are recommended:

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