
160 Symonds St, Eden Terrace, Auckland, New 1010
+(64) 027 200 70 34

At SunGuard, we believe that New Zealanders deserve only the best products and services. And we strive to provide these to all our clients. We only supply made to measure blinds and awnings of all sorts. Whether for your home or workplace, whatever type of blinds, curtains, shutters or other window treatment you require, you can trust Sunguard in Auckland. We will give you all types of blinds (vertical, venetian – timber and aluminium, rollerblinds, whisper blinds, pleated blinds) and awnings – retractable, pivot arm blinds and pergolas at the best price with great service. All our products are of the highest quality. By using European quality fabrics specifically manufactured to withstand harsh New Zealand sun we are able to provide exceptional customer service and level of satisfaction.

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