Athletic Greens

88.897962 40.407602, NY, 10012
koeyl maas

Thanks so much for your comments and we are glad you’ve had a good experience with Athletic Greens.

Also, thank you so much for your service and sacrifice to this country. We are grateful beyond words.

I have been taking Athletic Greens for 2 weeks now and I will say that while it does taste good to me and I have noticed an increase in energy, I have had bad faltulence and severe constipation since I begin taking it. This alone will probably cause me to stop taking it. My friend and I started at the same time and while they have experienced the exact same flatulence issue, they have had very good bowel movements and increased energy.Athletic Greens

I don’t mean to scare you, but if you are near 50 years old and having problems with constipation and gas after you stopped the Athletic Green, go get a colonoscopy. My grandmother had a similar issue that she thought was due to a diet change and if she had gotten one sooner the cancer wouldn’t have grown as much as it did. No colon cancer in her family before her. Something to think about.

A lot of people who start taking a green drink for the first time will notice some changes to their bowel movements including increased flatulence. This is directly related to the superfood greens and is normal. Your body will adjust to this.

I ordered this product and really like it. If you call to cancel the monthly order and shipping, they will cut the cost 20% for you. You can also have them auto ship the product on any time schedule you want (30, 60, 90, 120 days).

So if you are using the product, call and tell them you want to cancel and they will cut the cost for you.

I have been using the AG’s for 6 months. I dropped 35 pounds within the first 2 months but I was also following the elimination diet that the founder suggests. I have never felt better. I used to have horrible eczema, joint pain, digestive issues. I have none of that now. I have run 2 5k’s this summer. I called and got the “Trinity Pack” which includes omegas and Vit D. The cost is hard, and I have been looking for something equivalent that’s easier on my wallet, but I will keep paying until I find it. It’s worth it to me to feel this good.

ATHLETIC GREENS - Scam or Legit |

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