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Your arteries like trans fats can do you'll start eating foods that don’t wreak havoc on your hormones your arteries or your blood sugar levels and your body will immediately thank you as it sheds inches and melts the extra pounds away you learn more about that in a minute next let's get too fat storing food number three which was quite a shock for me its whole wheat bread are you surprised I was too it's not just whole wheat bread either its other breads pastas and other comfort foods that all add up to making it very hardtop get lean and healthy comfort foods are usually those highchair meals we all love many comfort foods include apple pie cakes muffins pastas and pizza I knew that high crab comfort foods can make you fat but if you're like me you love these foods and you don't want to give them up wells it turns out you don't have to my own problems losing weight or what led me to become a certified nutritionist I could never seem to get rid of those extra 20 to 30 pounds a belly fat I stopped eating the sweets and was eating healthier and I would even exercise which helped loose above the belly fat but it always came back when I could continue my routine because my life just got too busy again there’s a saying in the fitness industry that you can't exercise your way out of poor nutrition. 

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