EREMAX 232323

NY, 10012

The proliferation of weapons actually weekends the strong nations the nuclear nations and so for me I’ve come out EREMAX to the point where the only way that you have to have I think you have to have an objective we are going to get his ear out and that’s i_t_n_ so in our of president beam having tea saving so far out of the head of the party community accidentally is and how Washington work site out I think tanks and people chattering and it sort of pills and then it finally EREMAX gets to the president he does something on heat as a candidate laid this out all and I don't know how much you are following his campaign at the time that Laurence participant I can they wanted to make this film were at this convergence and EREMAX did not what an amazing confluence of events finally just to say to add to elect to brown was saying this like the whole issue of the inconveniences global warming as an EREMAX individual it's overwhelming and it’s intimidating about so depressed what kind of possibly till an individual well I think the film does a good job at the end of wrapping that up and down the highway isn't individual you can becoming to age Manuel speak more about that but it's if not a hopeless situation and there is an EREMAX objective to move toward Lawrence when you weren't me you had alright creates embraced those very he influential Jackson on the other side also been a political activist for some time to use a little bit about how you came to try to combine these two nod in this film but how this film came about and what you what are the  EREMAX elements that went into deciding to make it the way you did some of.

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