On July 28th, WoW Classic additional


On July 28th, WoW Classic additional Ahn'Qiraj (also known as AQ40), one of the most legendary raids in Wow gold classic vanilla World of Warcraft. Back in the day it had been notorious: Only gaining entry to it requires weeks of a whole server grinding out resources in preparation, then hours more grinding to complete the Scepter of Ahn'Qiraj questline. Then there's a 10-hour war in Silithus, and finally, after all that, guilds can breach the entrance of AQ. In 2006, it was months before players finally finished the raid. In WoW Classic, it moved a whole lot faster.

The setup for Ahn'Qiraj is still thrilling. The sand-covered ruins you enter through quickly reveal themselves as a man concealing the true horrors below. Fleshy corridors form a sprawling labyrinth, rooms brimming with ancient bugs and worms. After fighting your way to the finish you face the prisoner at the core of the raid, an older god sealed in the ground, on the verge of breaking loose. It is a shame that, by today's standards, he is a joke.

The C'Thun players fight currently in WoW Classic is not the tentacled monster of legend that he once was. However, was he, really? Dependent on the abilities WoW Classic players have accrued within the previous 15 decades, I believe we could take this giant eyeball how he was once intended to be fought. I believe we can destroy pre-nerf C'Thun, and Blizzard ought to put him into WoW Classic to give us that chance.

The narrative of C'Thun is a story of pity. Players threw themselves against the boss for weeks to no avail. He took a large amount of damage to shoot down before he enraged and promptly murdered everyone, and also the struggle demanded pinpoint positioning out of all the raiders. The fight famously had a bug too, which induced ranged tentacles to fend behind walls directly under players, nearly guaranteeing full party wipes. After 80 days without a single clear Blizzard eventually nerfed C'Thun to the floor, and he was easily defeated the same day.

It's not just the raid as a whole is simpler for today's seasoned WoW players.

"As for pre-nerf C'Thun, there is zero doubt in anyone's mind that against the meme that came from 2006 IRC logs, pre-nerf C'Thun is absolutely not mathematically impossible. Players are doing triple or even quadruple the numbers of individuals's DPS back then so even a pre-nerf C'Thun would readily fall. It's a matter of the playerbase being significantly more skilled, and educated.

If you take a close look at the harm logs of almost any C'Thun kill right now you can see that's true. You have got players performing between 200 to 300 dps on bosses, and since this is Classic WoW you know they are watching a movie in their second screen while they do it. It's hard to get precise numbers, since most people were not keeping tabs on dps 15 decades back, but according to Minmaxed, it had been much less than what we are seeing today:"[There's] a general consensus among people who did play back is that it had been'way less.' The buy wow gold concept that pre-nerf C'Thun is too high a damage test is foolish."

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