Sakume store

42 Glen William Road, BOOGAN, 4871
+852 62143022
Sakume store

Sakume Dakimakura Store( Sakume anime dakimakura shop in Tokyo, Japan. Sakume dakimakura store is a shop specializing in the production and sale of dakimakura, with thousands of dakimakura products and reviews, covering anime, games, artists and other dakimakura products.You can buy anime body pillow cover, anime boy body pillow, anime girl body pillow, waifu pillow, 3d dakimakura. Our shop have thousands of anime waifu pillow, hentai dakimakura, hugging pillow, etc. You can choose different materials of dakimakura pillow, free shipping worldwide, if you have any questions, please contact Sakume dakimakura shop in time. Sakume help me sleep with the dakimakura waifu pillow. Sakume makes my dream come true!