Peak Fabrication

1281 South Rd, St Marys, Adelaide, SA 5042, Adelaide, SA 5042
1300 393 898

Peak Fabrication is a company that is committed to excellence in everything that they do. From their focus on quality and safety to their commitment to customer service and sustainability, the team at Peak Fabrication is dedicated to providing the best possible service to each and every client. As a result, they have earned a reputation as a trusted partner for businesses of all types, and are poised for continued success in the years to come.

The company's services include custom metal fabrication, CNC machining, welding, laser cutting, and powder coating. They are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and employ highly skilled technicians who are able to handle projects of all sizes and complexities. With a commitment to quality, safety, and customer satisfaction, Peak Fabrication has earned a reputation as a reliable and trusted partner for businesses of all types. Designed to amplify the aesthetics of your vehicle. We modify our trays to suit the shape, curves and wheel position on each model. Designed by experienced engineers who are passionate about the 4x4 industry. Crafted together by highly trained fabricators.

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