Australian Patent and Trademark Attorneys

Adelaide SA 5000, 5000
+(61) 1300 138 802

Australian Patent and Trademark Attorneys

+(61) 1300 138 802

“Don’t Risk Your Business and Assets by Not Getting The Right Protection and Advice”

The good news is that for your new business name, logo, slogan and brands, we provide premium and comprehensive Trademark Services, providing you with confidence that the Trademark Application is lodged correctly, the first time.

You can achieve better trademark results with our trademark lawyers who apply 25 years experience. Our firm will navigate you past litigation risks and loss of Trademark Registrations.

Longer term we’ll also represent you when there’s a brand infringement, and when your business changes directions, we’ll check your trademark registration covers you still.

Businesses often refer to Trademark Attorneys as Trademark Lawyers, and Patent Attorneys are often referred to as Patent Lawyers.

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