Odin Ceramics

99 Erindale Rd, Balcatta, WA 6021
(08) 9344 1135
(08) 9345 3130
John Smith

odinceramics has been importing material of the highest quality and latest designs into Western Australia for over 35 years. We import exclusive material from some of the world's leading manufacturers, with a diverse range from large format porcelain tiles to natural and re-constituted stone.

We form part of an international purchasing group, regularly travelling the globe to source the newest products and view the latest concepts in the tiling landscape. We are constantly introducing inventive material into the present market.

odinceramics are able to source various products for any project. However specific a project may be, odinceramics is confident of finding the right tile to satisfy all private clients and industry professionals.

Our aim as a company is to provide diverse and ground-breaking materials of the highest quality and substance, and achieving these goals in an organised and efficient manner. We are always searching for ways to service our clients to the best of our ability, therefore making the process of selecting and specifying our tiles easy and effective. As a company we are constantly progressing and searching for the next innovation.

We take pride in our customer service, with our sales representatives and colour consultants possessing a wealth of experience and knowledge to make your selections enjoyable and thoroughly satisfying.