Bargain Rental Cars Onehunga

302 Onehunga Mall, Auckalnd, 1061
0800 00 11 22
Bargain Rental Cars

When you rent a vehicle from Bargain Rental Cars, you are supporting a 100% New Zealand owned and operated, business. You will always be provided with a personal service that ensures you get a rental vehicle that is not only a pleasure to drive, but gives you value for money.

Our rental vehicles are all chosen for their competitive price and offer you economic rental car options.
With 6 branches throughout NZ, we can help with all your vehicle rentals. We have four car rental branches in Auckland: Auckland North Shore, Auckland CBD, Auckland Grey Lynn and Auckland Onehunga. Our other branches are in Wellington CBD and Christchurch.

We also provide <a href="">one way vehicle rentals</a>.

Our vehicles are reliable and are serviced regularly. We also provide free AA roadside assistance.

Whether renting a vehicle for a day, week, month or even longer, we have a rental vehicle and price that will meet your requirements.

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