Car Detailing Toowoomba

176A Herries St, Toowoomba City, QLD 4350
(07) 4243 4716
Khalid Sloan

Car Detailing Toowoomba

176A Herries St

Toowoomba City QLD 4350

(07) 4243 4716

Car Detailing Toowoomba

At car detailing Toowoomba, we understand that keeping your car in tip top shape is not always the most appealing and easy task. With our well-trained skills and years of experience in the industry, our friendly and expert staff will provide you with impeccable car wash and car polish services that will keep you calling us for regular vehicle detailing. While we are based in the Toowoomba and Southern Queensland area, our flexible and mobile car upholstery services mean that we can come to you, wherever you are and no matter what vehicle you may have.

Whether you need us to clean and polish your car in your driveway or workplace carpark, we are more than happy to make the distance and keep things convenient for you. Our fully licensed and insured detailing services can also be hired for all types of vehicles so don’t worry about that two-metre tall van or farm tractor – we’ve got you covered no matter what you it is you need cleaned and polished!

Call us today on (07) 4243 4716

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Car Detailing in North Toowoomba QLD