The Benchmarking Group Pty Ltd

L3, 47 York Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
61 2 9262 5564
632 8188 7576
Markus Hugenschmidt

Data and Research - is the industry’s leading business benchmark comparison tool. Our software analyses a business’s performance against thousands of similar Australian businesses. This creates a detailed Business Benchmark Report which is specific to an individual business. Our tool is used by accountants, advisors and business owners to identify key areas for business improvement and measure annual business performance.  Further, the reports highlight opportunities to increase business productivity and profitability. Each report also offers businesses a valuation based on the current Fair Market Value.
Benchmarking Hosting & IT - deliver Business-to-Business IT services to SME with a business minded approach.
PBX and VoIP - Love your phone system again! With hosted PBX, you no longer deal with fixed line cost and limitation. Imagine the flexibilities you have with your emails these days, now apply the same thinking to your inbound phone calls! Half the price and triple the functionality plus complete freedom of location – what’s not to love?

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