Latex Bedding Co

469A Pacific Highway, Crows Nest New South Wales, 2065
02 9436 4870

The Latex Bedding Co, holding exclusive rights to Revor Belgium products in Australia, is a trailblazer in promoting premium latex bedding. Guided by David Nugent's scientific expertise and dedication to quality since 1983, the company meticulously designs and crafts superior mattresses and beds. Teaming up with Glenray Industries, a respected disability employer in Bathurst, NSW, the Latex Bedding Co creates top-notch upholstered bases, reflecting a blend of craftsmanship and social responsibility. With a wealth of industry experience, Cliff Walter, who has worked with major bed manufacturers and owned his store, champions latex as superior. The company's devotion to their product stems from this invaluable insight, culminating in exceptional comfort and durability. In partnership with Latexco, the world's premier latex mattress manufacturer, the Latex Bedding Co specializes in 100% latex bedding, offering unparalleled style, functionality, and support.

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