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Online Courses For Exceptional Classes

Online courses work for some students but not all. Online Course Services Often, it takes more discipline to complete assignments when there is no professor providing verbal or visual reminders. Consider setting a goal to check in on discussion responses daily or enlisting the help of a classmate who can hold you accountable.

Exceptional Learners

Online classes help students with unique needs learn in a safe and supportive environment. They can also offer a unique opportunity to make new connections with kids who share similar interests and experiences. For example, a twice-exceptional kid who craves intellectual challenge might enjoy an online class that explores topics as diverse as psychology, microeconomics, and Lord of the Rings.

These types of classes can help parents find new ways to keep their gifted children motivated and engaged, especially in times when school isn’t in session. These online classes can also offer an opportunity to meet other parents of gifted children and exchange ideas.

This course helps teacher candidates gain a deeper understanding of exceptionalities and their impact on classroom instruction. Topics include the categories of exceptionality, identification and assessment, strategies for modifying curriculum and learning environments, and best practices in special education.

This course explores the current understandings of developmental processes from infancy through adolescence, and how these processes are impacted by genetic and environmental influences. The impact of disabling conditions is considered as well. The course teaches the teacher candidate to analyze developmental patterns of individuals with disabilities, and to identify interventions for their individual student populations.

Exceptional Children

Students will develop a basic overview/survey of the definitions, characteristics, educational programs and problems of individuals with exceptionalities. This course satisfies the Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC) Exceptional Children requirement for teachers.

In this course, the educator will learn to understand Do My online class the learning needs of exceptional children from a variety of perspectives including cognitive, social/emotional and physical development. Students will also learn to identify and address the cultural, environmental and family issues that impact teaching children with exceptionalities.

Educators will learn how to utilize a diagnostic-prescriptive approach to individualized instruction. They will also become familiar with methods for evaluating student progress and determining the adequacy of teaching. Educators will also learn the basics of developing and administering instructional programs for individuals with exceptionalities.

Educators will learn how to create safe, supportive and respectful learning environments. They will explore age-appropriate strategies for encouraging positive behavior and addressing inappropriate behavior. In addition, educators will learn to identify the underlying causes of misbehavior and how to develop motivation and character. They will also gain knowledge of prevention and crisis management models as well as learn verbal interaction skills for dealing with aggressive and violent behaviors. Educators will participate in off-campus field experiences for twelve weeks where they will implement their learning strategies with children. These are designed to prepare them to work with exceptional learners in all settings.

Exceptional Family Members

If your child has a special education need, you may want to take this course to learn how to be your child’s best advocate. It covers special educational rights, the process of dispute resolution and helpful resources. This video also offers communication tips and techniques.

Military families with Exceptional Family Members (EFM) have many resources available to them through the Department of Defense. EFMP is a DOD-mandated program that helps service members with a child or spouse with special needs who may need help finding services, housing and medical care for their unique situations. Each branch of the military has a separate EFMP program, but all are similar.

Each installation has an EFMP office that provides family support programs and a variety of local community services. EFMP staff also assist during the assignment process by ensuring that Service Members are not sent to locations where their family members cannot receive needed care.

Many military families have a child with special needs who requires outside care. This can be occasional to allow parents to attend work or other activities, or daily to meet the needs of single-parent and dual-income families. EFMP can pay someone to take my class online provide information and referrals to child care providers, respite care programs and a variety of other services.



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