Habana, QLD
Jerry T. Hereford

 Hello, my name is Jerry T. Hereford. I am a programmer of service. Our service allows you to find the local time in any location on earth. The goal of the site is to provide the users of the site with the most accurate and up-to-date information about time in different countries and cities across the globe, time differences between cities and countries and time zones.

 In ancient times the sun set at noon. The sun's zenith point was considered to be the moment when it was at its highest point of the sky. This was considered noon. International trade made it necessary to integrate time into one system. It passed through the Royal Observatory of Greenwich, located just outside London.

 The acronym GMT stands as Greenwich Mean Time. All areas that are west of Greenwich are behind Greenwich Mean Time, and those in the east are ahead. A different meridian is located on the Earth's surface. It is the Territory east, which literally is in the past. In 1972, the new acronym UTC replaced GMT. What is that? The acronym is Universal Coordinated Time.

 Countries located high in the altitudes have a different duration of daylight hours. This is the reason why northern countries often change to daylight savings time. Residents of these countries move their clocks forward one hour. This happens on the last day of March. Sunday. Great Britain is also on the list of countries that practice summertime. Because Greenwich Mean Time does NOT depend on the season, it is possible to observe true noon from April until October at 1:05 p.m.

 Countries near the Equator in which it is noon at any hour of the day, do not change their clocks. They are always in winter (true) time. Iceland is an island nation, lives according to Greenwich Mean Time, (GMT+0). Lying roughly on the same meridian Great Britain and Ireland are at UTC+0 in winter, and UTC+1 during summer.

 The concept of time emphasizes precision. Dispatchers at distant places on Earth must know the hours, minutes, and seconds they are in order to ensure that their activities are coordinated. Radio broadcasters of various frequencies also require coordinated time. UTC is essential to establish a standard for scientific and navigational purposes. The 19th century saw British Navy sailors calculated the time using GMT while traveling across oceans. Moving westward from Greenwich, they subtracted hours. To the east and east, they added hours. According to this concept, the globe is divided into different time zones. Eastern Standard Time, Georgian Standard Time, Georgian Standard Time Hawaiian-Aleutian Standard Time, and Eastern Standard Time are all examples of time zones.

 Zone time refers to a system for timekeeping that is built on the division and organization of earth's surface into 24 different time zones separated by 15 degrees by longitude. The time within the one-time zone is considered to be the identical. This system was established during the International Conference 1884. In accordance with the international agreement of 1883 the beginning ("zero") meridian is the one that passes through the Greenwich Observatory in the suburbs of London. Local Greenwich Time, also known as "World Time", was referred to as Universal Time (GMT).

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