know seek ourdependence with it's

why andhow the real-life matrix will be destroyed first we have to answer one question arm in superior to women not just in oneway such as strength but in every single way that matters let's begin with the obvious move onfrom there rational people who didn't major in gender studies except that menare naturally King size Male Enhancement  stronger tougher and generally better physical tasks than women I really don'tfeel the need to cite evidence for this the evidence is your own eyes in commonsense but I think the strongest evidence is that women and even feminists openly acknowledge this when they demandlower fitness standards for women in fields like the military the policeand firefighters according to the US Army fitnessstandards a man aged 20 to 26 doing 75 pushups in a row earns the same score as a woman thescene age only able to do 46 pushups that man fails we can to at least 31push ups in a row while the woman can do as few as 15which still earned her the same.. 

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