Dorado Dental Wellness

330 Mendez Vigo Rd, Dorado, 00646

4th Generation Family Dentist, Clinical Researcher, Integrative Health Practitioner

I would love nothing more than for each of my patients to live until they're 120+ years old while maintaining extraordinary physical health, vibrant neurological capacity, and the happiest smile. This may sound unattainable or even irrational, but there is robust data in the scientific and health communities that clearly identifies the pathway to such longevity. It is this goal that has driven my interest in whole-body health as related to dentistry. 

I leverage the most advanced technology and materials, validated research, and thoughtful collaboration with other healthcare providers to create personalized plans for each of my patients to work towards this shared goal. For some, this means we first need to identify and resolve current or urgent issues and determine how we will prevent relapse of disease. But eventually, it is my goal that ALL of my patients experience and maintain peak health outcomes.

I take care of people of all ages because an individual's health can't be optimized without the whole family on board; we all need to be on the same team working towards the same endgame. 

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