No2 Extreme Surge

32 merry town, NC, 2570

When I was just a youngster in my twenties, I desperately wanted to gain muscle mass. Like many guys at that age, I longed to have big arms, wide shoulders, powerful and sweeping thighs, and a V-shape that tapered down to a small waist.

Unfortunately, that's not how I looked. When I glance at old pictures, it appears that I was fooling myself into believing I looked less like the Pillsbury Doughboy than I really did. What was wrong? I pumped iron, downed high quantities of protein, ingested carbs during the so-called "two-hour window" after my workout. And most importantly in my mind; I kept my calorie intake high because all the available information said I needed to "bulk up" - to eat many more calories than I was burning so I could gain that desired muscle mass.

Now in my forties, I'm easily gaining natural muscle that I longed for twenty years ago. Not only that, I'm doing it while staying lean. Just recently, I decided to lean down even further - getting my body fat down in the mid-single digits. I was actually gaining strength and muscle while doing it.

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