
210 Elan Village Lane #202, San Jose, 95134
Daniel Smith

Not relying on any manual labor force import, without any limitation by long distance, high height or other hard reaching places etc, it always makes a good job with a direct diode emission made 445nm blue cross laser alignment. Employed by an import 445nm blue laser diode and cooling system, available with wide range output power of 50mW to 100mW, it adopts quite small size tube diameter of 16mm. It enables easy carrying, good thermal emitting and increasing stability blue cross line projection in constant use.
After easy connects with 5V, 9V 1000mA DC power supply, without spending extra time on battery change, this alignment laser enables constant blue laser beam and blue cross line projection within 10 hours constant work. It gets no light decay or dim in proper use. After its correct use of output power and freely adjusted laser beam focus, it gets increasing accuracy and fineness cross line projection at great distance and formal lighting occasions perfectly.
Applications: industrial precise machinery processing, laser show, laser displaying, laser communication, military targeting and high tech

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