
210 Elan Village Lane #202, San Jose, 95134
Daniel Smith

What is the best job to make clear and accurate dot projection? It is not easy to reach with a simple green laser pointer, but making even better job with a Berlinlasers 515nm green laser diode module within 5mW to 50mW. Being made with an import 515nm green laser diode and metal heat sink cooling system inside different size metal housing tube, it just achieves superior nice thermal emitting and highly reliable forest green dot projection in continuous use.

After advanced use of qualified glass coated lens and glass window in front of beam aperture, no matter it is pointing at close or long distance, this 515nm green dot laser module keeps work with high transmittance green laser light emission, no decay light and stable dot emission under moisture or dust etc. When it makes correct use of output power and proper installation onto industrial device, it brings users the most precise and the lowest price dot alignment for industrial precise dot alignment, drilling system, laser marking, laser engraving, lab experiment and high tech etc.

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