Wall Mounts TV

23 Dover St, Red Hill, QLD 4059
07 3217 5124
Wall Mounts TV

At Local Bloke Antenna Services, we specialise in TV antenna installation services in Brisbane. Our highly skilled & trained installers are all Govt. certified and know well how to cope with TV reception problems. Our engineers are proficient when it comes to supply and install digital or analogue antennas, UHF/VHF aerial, TV wall mounts, sound system and home theatre installation in no time. We assure you get quality signal reception with better picture quality using products and parts that ensure 5 years guarantee.

Our in-house A-grade technicians always strive to create a home entertainment system that lets you enjoy the best TV viewing moment comfortably with family. We are committed to delivering prompt and gracious customer service and support for everything related to antenna installation & TV reception issues. Call us today for more details in Brisbane.

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