Speedie Shoe Repairs

10-12 Sir John Overall Dr, Helensvale, QLD 4212
Colin Hatcher

Hi, my name’s Col and I am the owner of Speedie Shoe Repairs, but before you start thinking that we’re just your average shoe repair kiosk, we’re much more than that; our speciality at Speedie Shoe Repairs is actually providing cheap car keys.
I’m your local key cutting specialist.
I specialise in:
• Car keys
• Garage door remotes
• House keys
• Shoe and bag repairs
• Watch repairs
• Engraving
• Pet tag engraving
• Rubber stamps
• Sharpening
I’m just a phone call away, call 0400 966 201 or 07 5580 5996, or drop into Helensvale Plaza for all the above services on the Gold Coast.

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