Mamre Anglican School

45 Bakers Lane, Kemps Creek, NSW 2178
(02) 9834 1881

Mamre Anglican School is a co-educational Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12 day school. The School is committed to achieving high academic outcomes for its students in addition to growth in understanding of the Christian faith.
Parents and students need not be Anglican. However, they must be supportive of the School’s Christian philosophy and practice.
Our school offers a Christian perspective in all teaching programs within the context of the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) curricula. The School provides programs in all Key Learning Areas from Kindergarten to Year 12.
The School concentrates on the fundamentals of a good education: literacy and numeracy, because they are foundational to all learning.
The School is beautifully established on 10 hectares in a rural area in Kemps Creek. It has air-conditioned classrooms, multiple sports fields and a large covered outdoor learning area.

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