
New York, 10012
896-587-4125 x96556
sprinkle susan


Representation in the brain of every part of a person's body depends on the amount of use of this part. And increased use of, greater representation. For example, the representation of the fingers of the left Niagen hand of the pianist is far greater than anyone, and they are demanding additional hand skill.After brain damage, there is a marked reduction in the size of brain imaging arm. Attempts to move the difficult, painful and unsuccessful. Causing the person who is suffering from brain damage is seeking compensatory strategies. These strategies become habits, and limit the use of the affected arm, so drop your brain representation and movement will be more expensive. Soon you will learn not to use the non-use of the affected arm if it does not follow the neurorehabilitation process.

!!TRIAL OFFER!!-Niagen-!Shocking Results!

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