recurring vaginal infections treatment in dubai uni business directory

If your symptoms are severe or you get frequent yeast infections, your doctor may recommend: Long-term vaginal therapy. Your doctor may prescribe an antifungal medication to take daily for up to two weeks and then once a week for six months. Oral multidose med ...
Vaginal Relaxation Syndrome in Dubai in Dubai Uni Ph: 043330708
Vaginal relaxation syndrome in Dubai (VRS) is an enlargement of the inner diameter of the vaginal wall. This can lead to a loss of friction and sexual satisfaction for you and your partner. Vaginal laxity syndrome often occurs after childbirth and is caused by ...
Vaginal Radiofrequency in Dubai in Dubai Uni Ph: 043330708
Vaginal Radiofrequency in Dubai is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure designed to tighten and tighten the vaginal muscles. RF energy heats the skin, improves blood circulation and stimulates collagen production. Radio frequency vaginal rejuvenation can solve the ...
Vaginal Whitening in Dubai in Dubai Uni Ph: 043330708
This treatment is designed to improve pigmentation, rejuvenate and lighten the skin around the genitals and anus. This treatment can be performed on both women and men and consists in treating dyschromia of the intimate parts of the body is called vaginal white ...
PRP Treatment for Vagina in Dubai in Dubai Uni Ph: 043330708
PRP Treatment for Vagina in Dubai Close infusions work by invigorating vessels, setting off collagen creation, and expanding recuperating of the vaginal tissue. Preceding your treatment, a skin sedative will be applied to the clitoris and the walls of the vagin ...
Menopause Treatment in Dubai in Dubai Uni Ph: 043330708
You can generally start HRT when you begin encountering menopausal side effects and won't ordinarily have to have any tests first. In any case, Menopause Treatment in Dubai a blood test to quantify your chemical levels might be completed in the event that you'r ...
Vaginismus Painful Intercourse Treatment in Dubai is the involuntary narrowing of the vagina. People experience it at the beginning of intercourse, when inserting a tampon, or during a pelvic exam. Vaginismus can make intercourse painful (dyspareunia). Kegel ex ...
Labia tightening in Dubai in Dubai Uni Ph: 043330708
Vaginal rejuvenation or Labia tightening in Dubai involves surgical and non-surgical procedures that tighten the skin around the vagina or narrow the vaginal canal. It helps alleviate problems like sexual dysfunction, urinary incontinence, and vaginal dryness ...
Cosmetic Gynecology in Dubai in Dubai Uni Ph: 043330708
Cosmetic Gynecology in Dubai, is the fastest growing subspecialty for women. It includes procedures to enhance the aesthetic appearance of the vulva/vaginal region; and vaginal repairs to enhance or restore sexual function that are degraded due to childbirth or ...
Thermiva Procedure in Dubai in Dubai Uni Ph: 043330708
Thermiva Procedure in Dubai reduces annoying vaginal dryness and improves vulva relaxation. Increases sexual satisfaction by relieving pain and increasing vaginal sensation during sex. ThermiVa also reduces incontinence and stress urinary incontinence ...
in Dubai Uni Ph: +971 561772998
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