Ray White Tweeds Head - Real Estate Agents

53 Wharf Street, Tweed Heads, NSW 2485
07 5599 2000
07 5599 2004
Ray White

If you are looking to sell or buy property in and around Tweed Heads, you need expert help. At Ray White Tweed Heads we offer buying, selling and rental assistance. We have an extensive list of properties that include residential, commercial and other lots. Buyers and renters are welcome to inspect these anytime. For home owners we offer appraisals and final sale assistance. If you are planning to keep your property, we also provide management services that will take over all your responsibilities. For our clients who are planning to move, we also offer moving assistance with our Concierge services.

Our Services:

Facilitating Real Estate Purchase

Facilitating Real Estate Sale

Real Estate Document Preparation

Real Estate Appraisal

Real Estate Leasing

Property Management

Exchanging Property

Auctioning Property

Preparing Contracts And Leases

Auctioning Property

Home Loans

And many more

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