
105 Hunts Rd Bittern VIC 3918 Australia, Bittern, 3918
1300 651 580
1300 659 350

OnPsych is Australia’s largest provider of free school based psychology services and is a service of registered psychologists and mental health social workers who operate in schools over Victoria. We aim to work with children that may not be seen as the highest priority within the education system such as children who constantly state, “I can’t do it” isolation, school bullying, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, grief, behavioral disorders and social skill to name a few.

Further, we aim to work as a collaborative approach (teacher, parent, child and onPsych) to provide consistency across environments and a better understanding of management. We aim to provide a consistent and reliable service that comes at no cost to parents or school by the government under the Medicare Mental Health Plan.

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