Metro Rentals

2/75 Sir Fred Schonell Drive, St Lucia, QLD 4067
1300 800 396
07 3162 6728

Has your property manager given you ideas on how to optimize your property for rent? Have they increased your rent lately? Do they help you monitor future repairs and renovations required? Shown you ways to minimise your risk of being sued, having loss of rent and protecting your property from malicious and accidental damage.

The truth is not all property management agencies are the same. Metro Rentals is focused on ensuring your property is:

1) Optimised for rent
2) Secured with good quality tenants
3) Well maintained for long term investment
4) Managed by trained industry professionals
5) Serviced by honest, quality trades people with affordable rates. 

Contact us on for a no-obligation rent appraisal and discussion on your property needs.  

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