
G03 313 Canterbury Road Canterbury, Melbourne, VIC 3126
+61 3 9831 7900

Service is offered nationwide

Service is open to small, medium and large companies, agencies, and public organisations

Request a quote to start recycling today at
or call 1800 489 278

What can be collected and recycled?
-LCD & CRT Monitors
-Laptops/ PC/ Desktop/ Tower Servers
-Copiers/ Fax machines/ Printers
-Cabinet Servers/ Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
-Desk & Mobile phones
-Miscellaneous IT equipment
-Storage media eg. tapes, discs, memory sticks
-Scientific & Medical equipment
-Cameras & Photographic equipment
-Business Imaging equipment, cartridges & consumables
-Power Tools & hardware
-Used Lead Acid Batteries & Handheld Batteries
-Small Appliances, Major Appliances & Whitegoods
-Consumer Electronics eg. TVs, VCR & DVD players
-Portable devices eg. Two-way radios, pagers, MP3 players
-Game consoles, electronic toys, hobby equipment
-Lamps, Globes, Fluorescent Tubes

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