Dr Michael Coroneos Neurosurgeon Sunnybank Specialist Centre

Sunnybank Specialist Centre, 245 McCullough Street,Sunnybank, 4109,,Brisbane, Sunnybank, QLD 4109
07 33441440
07 33455996

Consulting at SUNNYBANK !

Dr Michael Coroneos is a senior neurosurgeon who consults at Suite 30-31 , Level 2, Sunnybank Specialist Centre, 245 McCullough Street, Sunnybank, 4109.

All appointments by Telephone 07 33441440, Fax 07 33455996 and Email sbk.consultingsuites@healthscope.com.au

Lots of convenient, free and undercover parking under the new building which is wheel chair friendly with two elevators.

Dr Coroneos main rooms are at Suite 73, Level 7, Silverton Place, 101 Wickham Terrace, Spring Hill,4109. Telephone 07 38319511 and Email coroneosneuro@bigpond.com

Excellent , comprehensive and experienced neurosurgical care for over 3 decades !

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